Hast Shilp Wooden Handicraft Mattu Vandi/Yellow Bullock Cart


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Have you planned how you decorate your home in Pongal? Pongal is the festival, celebrated in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh that brings a rustic essence even in a Metropolis. 

How can one observe his Pongal without a bullock cart? Yes, bullock carts moving with stacks of hay are still a common scene in a village. So, the bullock cart integrates the village culture with Pongal. 

The handpainted yellow cart must be an outstanding and vibrant addition to your Pongal decor. 

Once you have a glance at it, the Mattu vandi cart must be yours. So minutely observed, meticulously carved, and prominently designed are the Hastshilp’s Mattu Vandis yellow carts that you cannot remain but overjoyed when you procure it of your own.

You may have set the thatched huts, you may place the dolls having rustic air, drawing water, and doing household chores. 

Navratri golu decor will achieve a height if you stud the yellow bullock cart among the other golu dolls. Navratri would be a grand center of attraction if you ornament the home with Hastshilp collections. 

Bullock cart has multipurpose dimensions if you accurately use it. 

Along with table decor, the yellow cart with the dimensions L X W X H =13.97 X 7.62 X 7.62 cm. may contain mini food items like biscuits or snack packets. It may be used as a tissue holder. 

It would be your favorite showpiece and a piece of subtle pride. The yellow bullock cart would add sobriety and elegance to your drawing, dining, or living room. It would equally glorify the reception of your hotel and cafe. Mattu Vandi would be a perfect gift for housewarming, wedding rituals, birthdays, Navratri, or some festivals. 

Cleaning with a piece of the dry napkin will do. 

Then, why are you still hesitant, click the button, place an order from Hastshilp for this art piece at 8056027147, and visit our website www.hastshilpchennai.com 


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